New Web Design for 2020
Hello everyone, it has been way too long since I last did a post. I hope you are all safe and well in this crazy time and that your businesses are not suffering too much. We are certainly feeling the pinch and have lost a few of our clients because of this Coronavirus nightmare. We hope they will come back to us again once we get through this terrible time.
The one good thing to come out of all of this is that I have finally had some time to update this totally neglected SEO website and I have been working hard on it for the past couple of weeks. Here is some information about some things that I have done which will hopefully get us back in Google’s good graces.
New web design: The website has been completely redesigned and is now fully responsive and mobile friendly at last. The guys at Pixel Hero who did the design have been amazing and have gone way above and beyond the call of duty to get this site functioning properly. We only had a very small budget and could not be happier with the result.
New logo: Our graphic design guy, Sebastián Melchor designed the logo for this site and we really like what he came up with and the way he turned the ‘O’ part of SEO into a cog. Sebastián also designed the cool services icons that you can see on the homepage.
SEO guide: I have rewritten the On Page SEO Basics article that I first wrote back in 2007 and have included lots of new information and links for you to check out. Big thank you to my mum who helped me out with the punctuation and stuff.
SEO Tools: I have also updated the SEO tools section of the website. I got rid of all of the ones that are no longer available and where it was needed I rewrote the reviews. In the category you can check out the new reviews for tools such as the Moz Link Explorer and the SEO Book keyword suggestion tool.
Blog posts update: I have fully updated a couple of the resources blog posts to try and make them relevant again including the top 5 UK business directories and the top 10 infographic sites that don’t charge. I hope that you find them useful.
Blog tidy up: I have gone through all of the blog posts and fixed all of the images and quite a few of the broken links. Here are a a few blasts from the past that have been restored to their former glory:
- How Good Is The Mainstream Media At Linking Out – Our most successful blog post ever.
- Just How Much Traffic Can You Get From Social Media Websites? – Boy have things changed a lot since back then.
- 6 Intriguingly Shaped Communities As Seen On Google Maps – Fixed the Google maps in this gem of a blog post that is still great.
Made site secure: Every single page of this site now has the little padlock.
Please let me know what you think of the new design and logo in the comments section.
To finish things off here are a couple of helpful Coronavirus links:
- Coronavirus UK: how many confirmed cases are in your area?
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Advice for everyone
Hang in there guys.