Sphinn.com: New Social Media Site For Search Engine Marketing
I have had my head buried in the sand for the last few days (working on a new project) and I have only just discovered Sphinn.com. It’s a new social media site just for search engine marketing that I expect will be a huge success. Already the site seems to be taking off and many of the most notable SEO’s in the industry have registered. The site itself is awesome in terms of both design and functionality, I particularly like the profile pages that are totally geared up for link builders. Digg and Reddit can be a nightmare sometimes because the vast majority of the members hate SEO’s and it will be nice to have a descent shot at getting some of my SEO articles noticed. If you are interested in SEO/SEM I suggest you get yourself over there and register. There are some great articles flying about and it looks like a good place to learn.
Visit – Sphinn.com
My profile at Sphinn – Eavesy
You have sharpened my seo skills.I am a newbie in the field of seo and and now i am very much inspired and have a clear vision for my future in this arena known as SEO. I think the most important thing to make it big here is “patience”, if you have that you are a winner here.